Monday 24 March 2014

A heart to heart meeting

Today Mrn was sick so she went home leaving the group to Loz and me alone. Jnn is on holiday this whole week.
I must say, it was in a way relaxing to be able to work without either Jnn or Mrn around. While Mrn seems to tell us without telling that she knows best and we are nearly fools, Jnn watches with an unsuspecting eye only to report not only each ounce of oxygen that you inhaled per minute but also if you inhaled other gases which you were not allowed to. Watch dog of the boss!!

The whole day went without a mishap - something which never happens here naturally because of Jnn who makes sure she has something negative to say.

In the afternoon, we had our meeting - just Loz and me alone! Ulk was supposed to join us later.

First I talked about a few children related points and then when my points were finished Loz he wanted to discuss a particular matter related to Jnn. And he slowly and a bit hesitantly opened up his heart to tell me how he was getting sleepless nights because of her.
"I don't know what's her problem. Why she seems to single me out for doing this kind of thing. I believe she is a quite nice person and is good with her work. But on many occasions in the past and particularly in the last 1-2 months she seems to report things about me that I haven't even done. At first I listened in silence without arguing or refuting her because I found arguing ugly. But now it has become a routine that she says bad or untrue things about me and what is worse all the others have even started believing her, so no matter what I say in my defense they are still going to believe her. The latest example is last week she reported me to everyone that I left the kindergarten with children playing in the garden without being supervised by any group teacher, without informing Jnn. This is not true. I told her not once but twice."

I heaved a great great sigh. "I know exactly what you mean, Loz. You are not alone in this. I am in the same boat. I have a whole long list of things she did wrong but nicely blamed them on me letting others think I am no good. Just like you I too did not like making things turn ugly by arguing but this only spurred her confidence for lying. And recently I have noticed that she has started watching us and reporting us, and most of the times she reports absurdly wrong. She has become great friends with Mrn and the others and they all seem to trust her and believe that she is a poor hard working lamb while we are hideous wolves just waiting to grab our paycheck and do everything wrong or nothing at all in the kindergarten."

We talked for nearly half an hour over this matter and decided that we shouldn't keep quiet about it and must discuss it with Mrn and request her to a least verify her claims before believing her reports.

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