Monday 17 March 2014

Mrn is pregnant

Today as soon as I went to the group, Mrn took me to the staff room and broke the news to me that she is pregnant. This is her forth month. I was happy and congratulated her and extended my full support and help to her if and when she needed. I wasn't exactly surprised; the load of fruits and juices and special teas which she had lately been bringing with her to the kindergarten had made me suspect that she was probably pregnant.

In the afternoon, we all four had a dead serious meeting with Ulk who formally discussed this pregnancy and asked us if we wanted to know something more. We were asked to write down our questions , feelings, impressions and fears on separate pieces of paper and then talk about them. When we all had done that, Ulk collected all the paper notes, threw them to us in a mail and said that the meeting was very productive.

Mrn will be going on maternity leave in August. Jnn looked a bit shaken and bewildered. She seemed to be araid of the new changes this pregnancy could bring about in the group. Well, so am I...a little bit...! I mean, now Mrn is going to be a good deal absent from the group which in other words means Jnn is going to get a free play - free play or a substitute; and neither prospect is heartening to say the least.

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