Thursday 27 February 2014

Carnival Party

We had carnival party today in the kindergarten. As per instructions, the children had to put on their costume and face paint/ make up etc in kindergarten itself to avoid scaring smaller children. This rule indeed was beneficial in building up their comfort level and tolerance with lavish costumes.

There was big party breakfast then a short morning circle. Then a tiny parade in which the children joined each other like a train and moved from one group to another. Each group offered a certain activity to the children. The Green group offered an interesting treasure hunt kind of play and face painting, the Yellow group - princess' castle to build and play, the gym - fun games and dance with music and the lab offered experiment with balloons. All the groups had something interesting and thrilling for the children. Only our group - the Orange group and the studio had nothing interesting; these both are handled by Mrn and she was dead rigid on keeping children calm and quiet. So we had only story book reading activity in our group and silently painting/coloring activity in the studio.Understandably both the rooms remained deserted with all the children choosing to visit the rooms where they could enjoy themselves.

The face painting done by Lr was horrible though; she made some children look shockingly ghastly and lurid that we were sort of relieved to wash off the paint an hour later.

On the whole, it was a remarkably quiet day, far quieter than the other days. I see the wisdom of keeping the children calm on a celebration day but still do not understand why should they be kept forcefully quiet on a special day which comes but only once a year when everybody including children and adults have the license to indulge in merry making festivities and wild fun.

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