Tuesday 25 February 2014

Surfing in a new sea...same waters, different name, and I'm not complaining

I do so much want to resume my daily dairy about my kindergarten but am always so short of time. I will give it a shot though...

So a quick recap..

After I left that Kindergarten, and that was a little more than a year ago, I realized I was fast slipping into something like depression and melancholia. I would think about the horrible occurrences over and over again and every time I went to sleep would have a nightmare about Chri, Ank and Consti. I tried keeping myself busy, self learnt keyboard and then enrolled myself in a German course that pretty much ate up all my time to prevent me from brooding, yet the nightmares continued without fail...

One day, after three months to be precise, I received an email from Mrs Wlz asking me if I wasn't working then would I like to work in her Kita again under different conditions. I met her and talked to her to my heart's content. I was glad to hear her confess that she knew I had been a victim of conspiracy and mobbing by her staff. She also admitted that the same group which had begun doing so exceptionally well under me started rolling downhill as soon as I left and now it has reached such a lowly depth that she can only think of me to save it.
She offered me double salary, group leader position, offered to get my degrees recognized and complete command on my affairs totally uninterfered by anybody else in the school.
I accepted. The day I had to sign the contract I had to fly home to see my very ill mother. I stayed there for one month. When I returned Mrs Wlz regretfully informed me that she couldn't wait so long for me so she had employed somebody else. I admit it was like a big jolt to me but God does work in strange ways!
He had planned something else for me...
The same day, I received an urgent email from a Ja. She had worked in the same Kindergarten for two and half years and had resigned and joined another kindergarten, allegedly a big one! She wanted to refer me this big one now and immediately.
I did and bagged the offer with excellent salary with a truck load of perks. Dramatically, the day I received the confirmation email from this kindergarten, I received a second offer from Mrs Wlz asking me when could I join!

So I landed up in this kindergarten with the reference of no other than a colleague from that crazy hellish place.

Now I have been working at this place for eight months. It is a huge place with more than twelve groups and a gigantic staff. It is rich and luxurious, sometimes even extravagant and lacks practically nothing, nothing at all.
My horrible experience at the last one has doused a bit of my fire, I admit. I am more cautious now and prefer to keep myself deliberately hidden and underplayed rather than do anything nice and attract people's envy and jealousy.
My colleagues are pretty good, at any rate they are much much better than those old ones. Surprisingly, Ja is not the only one from that place here. There is also Gl the English teacher who I had replaced in that kindergarten! There are at least 8-9 people from that place and when we meet we always talk about how unbelievably bad that place was!

Just yeasterday, I was talking to Gl and she disclosed that about a month or so ago, Chri too applied here but was rejected. My heart missed several beats in a row!!!!!

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