Tuesday 25 February 2014

Dirty and Dangerous

I was quite happy with the situation until yesterday but suddenly clouds are flitting aside revealing a somewhat dangerous facet which I, for some reason hadn't bothered to think about.
Nothing is as it seems..

Until now I had been considering Jn as a foolish hypocrite and not really anything more than that. Today I met Cl in the park. It seems all Cls are nice people and all Mrns are bad ones! ( She is a very nice middle aged woman with plenty of maturity, wisdom and good heart all of which shows on her face and I always feel drawn towards her.) I told her how Jn in our group who is seemingly far duller and dumber than a mouse is actually playing a clever game of her own. She pleases the boss to the limits of irrationality and carries private conversations to report about others- often times these reports are not even genuine. Already, she appears to have become the right hand person of Mrn!

She advised me to talk to her. "I have realized too that there's a lot of politics going on here; a tussle for power. And what you have told me just now is not just happening in your house, it's common in all the houses here and in nearly all the groups. But from what I have heard, this power game is the probably the worst in your house."

I pricked up my ears! This revelation suddenly fit the parts of the jig saw puzzle I had always been aware of, wondered at but not really analysed them as such. Mrn's taciturnity towards me, Ls, Jun, Sbrn's cool behaviour towards me, their contempt of Grch, Jn's existence from non - existent to nearly full blown right arm...the veiled allusions to certain things, the monopoly during the meetings, mysterious remarks, odd gestures ... it all suddenly started making sense now.

So now I know, both Mrn and Srn are strong strong contenders for top position or at least remaining on top and brutally trampling any other who dare climb up even an inch. They  also happen to be great friends together in much the same way as Mz and My. On the second rung of this killer ladder are Jun and Ls. Together these four guard their ladder and act as the owner or the under cover police system of the house. They roam about, passing through the diaper room, art studio, corridors and etc hunting for evidence of the single wrong done by me or two three hapless others. And if they catch you doing something wrong they don't request you to remedy your fault. They will smile their sweetest and let you do it and then publish your faults to the whole world without you getting a whiff of it.
It is disheartening to realize that no matter how good I am with the children, no matter how unprecedented good results I may have given to the parents, the children and the group, no matter if I possess a true spirit to do my best for the kindergarten and to learn quickly, I will still be judged in the extreme negative for doing something nominal such as forgetting to put on the cap on a child or changing my activity status on the magnet board....

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