Monday 28 May 2012

Mail to Mtn and his reply

I was still smarting from the fact that here I have been battling serious health problems and meticulously informing the school why I can't come to work but the so called management hasn't even bothered to inform Stf about me, letting her believe that I am enjoying a vacation in India! Or could it be that Stf just feigned surprise and was actually aware of the whole thing but for some devious reason chose to conceal it? I can never be sure about her. I just hope the parents and the parents committee does not think like this.

There from my hospital bed, I sent a mail to Mtn telling him everything. His response, as always, was quick and prompt. He wrote back the next day telling me that I need not fear for my job as there are special rules in Germany to fire a worker when he is ill and on sick leave; should my job be in any danger, he and the committee would support me. He also offered to officially inform the parents of my group about my health condition just in case they do not know either just like Stf.

I am so grateful for his offer of  help and support. I declined however because I really think my job is not in any danger right now and because I do believe Asy has informed the parents already.

A formal mail coming from the parents committee might make some trouble...

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