Thursday 19 April 2012

The Satan in our Kindergarten

Today we had to have a meeting.

Asy and I were talking to each other in the sleeping room. She said she believed My was good; only Mz was bad.
"I don't think so. My was definitely better than Mz but she was 50% partner in everything that Mz did so I cannot say she was good." I said.
"But why did they do all this? I think, the day Stf said to all the teachers that she could fire everyone, they got deeply hurt and offended and then they started planning to quit and tell the others to do the same."
"No Asy. So far as I know, this didn't start here or in this way. Long back ago, in October, we had a workshop in school which was attended by everyone of us. You were not in the school at that time. That day, for the first time, I heard Mz and My complaining against Stf saying that she doesn't listen to them, does whatever she wants, doesn't even pay them properly and that plenty of their money is due on her but she refuses to pay. They also reminded us that in the last session, Stf had promised to pay the teachers 100 Euros for every new admission in the group. They advised us to make a list of our grievances especially like claiming our money, so that this problem could be addressed in the right way and if she didn't then we should all resign. We agreed to make the list, and Mz immediately handed a paper and pen to Mk to do this work. Mk was reluctant and didn't do so. It was decided that in the next team meeting we all shall remind Stf of her promise and ask her to pay us the amount that was due.

That week when we had the team meeting, Stf and Mz went to have a cup of coffee whilst we waited. When they returned, before ever any teacher could say anything, Stf thundered down that we couldn't ask for more money, as we were being paid well enough already and that she took us to costly Oktoberfest Party, theater party, Christmas gift etc. etc. to compensate for the extra number of students in our group, and that she could fire everyone of us and find new replacements.
"Yes, I remember that meeting." Asy said. "It was my first meeting."
"Exactly. And I am guessing that when Mz and Stf went out to have their coffee, Mz instigated Stf that the teachers are asking for more money otherwise they will resign which infuriated Stf so much that she came and threatened to fire all of us."
"...........I see......!" She stared at me like a ghost.
"The discussion on the workshop day about being dissatisfied with Stf, spurring us to clamor for the money or else mass resignation was just a part of their plan. They wanted to create a reason for all the teachers to anger Stf and to make Stf angry with them till really either they got fired or they resigned themselves."
"We need to tell this to Stf immediately." She sprang to her feet.
"Yes, you can do so. But this is just my guess. Maybe you should ask Stf to tell you what they talked about when they went to have their coffee.

She went right away. She returned a little while later.
"You were absolutely right! I asked her if she remembered what they talked about on their cup of coffee. She said Mz was telling her that all the teachers are demanding more money otherwise they threaten to resign. They don't need to be paid as already they have been given costly parties here and there. Then I told her everything which you had told me. She was so shocked! I asked her to guess who told me this. And she took your name without any effort."
"She guessed me?"
"Ya.  And I discovered another thing. You were right in thinking My was bad. My really was bad. I was wrong to believe in her. Just few days ago the coffee machine in the school had broken down. My told us not to worry as she would ask Stf to get us a new one. The next day, she told us sadly that Stf has refused to get a new machine and has said that there was is need to drink coffee, if anyone wants coffee they should bring it from their home or buy in shop. All the teachers were very angry to hear this. The next day My brought her own old coffee machine from her home for all the teachers, since Stf had refused to do so. Well, the truth is Stf had said no such thing; in fact she said she would send her old coffee machine to school. The machine which My said was her's was actually Stf's!
Furthermore, do you know, when my money was stolen, Stf called me to ask if I suspected someone. I didn't suspect anyone because I didn't know anybody. But Stf told me that Mz and My named Stfn for the theft. They said they had seen her. And I know it wasn't Stfn."

"Hexe. Hexe." Muttered Asy. I want to throw up. This is all so disgusting."

My head was in a whirl. My own stomach was churning deep inside me. I lost myself in a maze of thoughts that went round and round till the nerves at my temple tightened up and my head started throbbing with a dull persistent ache. I remained glued at one place thinking about all this until it was time for the meeting. I went to wash my face and was stunned to see my eyes blood shot. My head was still throbbing in pain and the nerves were still taut.

The meeting was in my room. Stfn accidently broke her tooth while eating a bonbon and had to go home about an hour before the meeting. She had no money on her at that time so I lent her 50/- Euros. Mks and Mk both were absent.

Stf came. She began the meeting by saying she was happy that My and Mz were not here anymore. She said she has arranged for a new teacher to replace Mch and another to replace Stfn. She has now decided never to make a teacher her manager and never to have two managers and will try her best to be available for us rather than letting her manager run the school and so saying she broke down, wiping helpless tears off her cheek.

After she had gone we began our regular meeting. Ndn offered to preside over the meeting as I was still a bit out of my control over myself and slightly hazy due to too many thoughts in my mind.
Between Asy and myself we decided that it was important to tell everyone the truth which we had discovered today. I told everything. They all listened in stunned pin drop silence.

Talking really does help. When Asy started telling them how they had named Stfn for the thefts, we discovered that some of us had been told that Asy was the thief, still others, that Gbt was stealing! They did not like Stfn and created a negative environment bad enough for her to be thrown out by telling Stf that she was stealing, in addition to sleeping as well during her work hours!

What a conspiracy! What a cold blooded scheme! Whichever adjective I employ to describe their evil character, it still runs short of complete expression. They are the very personification of Satan himself. to think they were so young and belonged to the religious community that rather strictly adheres to the rules of righteous living, it is hard to imagine they could have planned out such a cold blooded, detailed and long term conspiracy against someone who trusted them blindly, befriended them on equal status and raised them to a great height in the very infancy of their career. They are criminals. Conspiracy against an institution is a punishable crime. They should be sued and brought to justice. At least, they should not be allowed to work in a kindergarten with small children. They are too dangerous for such a place. I wish God never pardons them for this.

"In Morocco, there is a saying," Said Asy, "that if you do something bad, it comes back to you three times. I wish whatever wrong they have done here also comes back to them three times."

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