Friday 20 April 2012

A small talk with Mch

I had a small talk with Mch.

She admitted to me that when she had joined here in Stfn and Ndn's baby group, she was horrified. She found they were not doing many things properly. They also behaved extremely hostile towards her which made her very uncomfortable. They would remain in the same room and talk only to each other whilst completely ignoring her, shutting her out of their attention and constantly finding faults with everything that she did. She found they were also very lazy. Together they were great intimate friends and that impeded their professionalism. Within a week of their separation, when Stfn was sent to my group, Ndn became normal and now she is doing great.

"But mind you," She whispered. "Ndn is very difficult to work with. She is not an easy person."
"Yes. I know" I nodded. 

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