Wednesday 4 April 2012

The Third Day of the Chaos.

Today was the third day of the chaos and appeared to be gently subsiding now having damaged everything that it was capable of in the last two days.

Fortunately Mk and Jr, (both the teachers for the second senior group) had returned back to work after their sick leave which left only Mz's group without teachers. We agreed to look after both the groups together. Everything went fine.

Both Ndn and Stfn looked a bit serious and slightly stiff and cold towards me. "Is anything the matter?" I asked Ndn apprehensively.
"No no, we both are unwell." She said hurriedly. I was relieved. Later, however, I saw Mk and he too appeared strangely cold and distant towards me. There was something in his eye which I had never seen before. Not at all his usual warm friendly self. I asked him the same question if he was angry with me but he too denied it by saying that his kids were horrible today so he was just angry with the kids and thoroughly stressed out. We didn't get time to speak to each other at all.

While we were having our morning circle, Athn's mother called on phone to ask if she could now send Athn to school. Mks asked what reply should he give to her. Before Stfn or Ndn could start shaking their heads from east to west saying "No, please", both I and Asy yelled loudly," Yesssss. She can come. There is noooo problem." I was so afraid to look at Stfn and Ndn after this.

I offered to do some activity with the bigger kids as I was sick of seeing them just play, play, play and do nothing else since the last three days, especially since they are big enough to do plenty of activities by themselves.
"I don't think this is a good idea" Stfn shook her head as she always does at everything. I have begun to think her head only knows this movement. "The weather is fine and sunny and we should take them out to play in the park after the snack. This way we can take care of them better."
"Of course we shall all go out. I just think an activity would be nicer with them so that the parents do not think the children haven't done anything in the school."
"We don't need to worry about this at all! "She exclaimed shocked by this idea. "They know the kids are without their teachers. They should be thankful of this fact alone that the kids have at least been properly taken care of. Nobody will ask you why nothing was done with them."
"Well, yes, you are right but I still prefer to do something with them."
"Okay. Then, it is your decision." making me feel as if  I was going to pronounce death sentence to someone's whose guilt I wasn't sure of and which could create a serious irrevocable damage to all people concerned.

I arranged the whole activity which consisted of making an Easter bunny with cotton wool. The children liked doing the cutting pasting and creating stuff and I was happy for them. I could feel both Stfn and Ndn's heat on my back and I couldn't say I didn't care. My worries were increasing by leaps and bounds at this turn of the situation. I like both Stfn and Ndn.(The others as well) and would hate to offend them; I do not want them to be in trouble but neither do I agree with their wrong decisions. I think they are feeling bad that I am not thinking like them, taking reigns in my hands for small issues and not agreeing with them.

During the sleeping time I had a talk with Asy again. A lot more secret news tumbled out of the cupboards.
Asy is fully realizing how Stfn is making blunders and together Ndn and Stfn are trying to prevent me from doing right things. Sometimes it almost looks like they have a malicious intent of making things deliberately go from bad to worse so they can accuse Stf that it was because of her own decisions that it happened.
That girl Athn's mother called Asy on her mobile and told her everything how her daughter was sent back home. At the moment the mother is undergoing a lot of personal problems, the girl is staying with her grand mother and comes to school from a far off place which takes two hours to travel just one side. She was also angry that she is paying such a hefty amount to the school to let her daughter attend the school for just three days a week and even that the school has problems in doing.

We both were so sorry for her. Letting Athn stay would not have posed any difficulty to us. After all, many other children who were being sent away were brought back and they all as well as we all were absolutely okay. I was sure, if I had been present when Stfn forced Athn to go back, I would have brought her back like the others.

Asy told me that Stfn is also floating that she received an sms from Stf that she was allowed to send children back and that Stf  has also sent an email to parents requesting them to keep their children at home if it was possible. This is not true. No such thing has been done.

Asy also received a call from none other than My, shedding tears on the phone and saying that what Gbt and Stf are saying is not true. She has heard that the school is in chaos and wanted to know what was wrong. But Asy swiftly answered that nothing was wrong and whatever it was, we handled it nicely. Cleaver that My was, she didn't disclose to Asy that she was being requested by the Parents committee (through the school's cashier/accountant/Stf's friend ) to come back for a short time!

I was talking to Jr and he revealed another interesting point.
"I can't understand why such an uproar about shortage of teachers has been created. Two weeks ago, when you were absent, we were just five or six teachers in the school lesser than what we are now. Nobody said there was any shortage. Why should they say it now when we are actually more than that number? It's nothing new and we didn't have any great difficulty in managing. Why is this situation being treated like it were a Tsunami or something?"

It is all work of Stfn and her super negative, helpless attitude of "No, it can't be done. It is very difficult. We can't do it."

There is a new admission in our school amid this chaos. An Indian boy. Everybody was so engrossed that  the poor boy and his shy hesitant mother were not noticed by anybody. I offered to guide her and informed her about everything feeling so ashamed of the whole situation.
Today, I saw the father and boy Pv is his name, standing outside my classroom.
"I am standing here since half an hour." He said patiently. "There was nobody to tell me where I should take him."
I was so sorry for him. I took him to Mk but Mk almost rudely bluntly replied:
"No. He is not in my group. He is in Mz's group."
"What? But I was told he is in your group?"
"No. He is not in mine."
"And where is Mz's group?
"I don't know."

I again cut a sorry figure in front of him. He was smiling sarcastically at me. I brought him back to my room and apologized for the confusion. I felt so angry that I had to be ashamed in front of a parent, and double angry that they all want to decide important things and make stumbling blocks where as no body was bothered to handle smaller things like helping a new parent and a new child in the school.

After hearing everything Asy says: this is all Stfn's fault. She had no right to do this and she has deliberately done like this. When she is warned that Stf will be angry, she says she doesn't care- it is Stf's fault. When she is told that the parents were angry, she is secretly pleased and again says, "They have a right to be: they are angry because of Stf's fault." As if she wanted the parents to be angry to make Stf feel bad, frustrated or pressurized.

And amid all this, I am getting that uncomfortable feeling that I am earning everybody's hatred and resentment.
Stfn, Ndn and Mk have begun to dislike me....!

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