Back again after a long time.
The trouble in coming back after a long gap is not knowing how and from where to start. Such a lot has happened in between…!
I had begun doing my job well enough and only about a week had passed by when papa became ill. He wanted to have an operation for incontinence but the medication prescribed prior to operation disturbed salt levels in his body and he started having foot swelling due to water retention. The medicines to cure this in turn disturbed his blood pressure and caused excessive urination in addition to sinking of heart, troubled breathing and too much weakness. The next day my sister in law took him to the doctor and he was put on glucose drip. All his tests turned out fine. Only potassium was found to be low so he was administered a dose of potassium along with the glucose drip and within 15 minutes his pulse starting dropping dangerously and before anything else could be done he breathed his last..!
We left for India immediately for performing his last rites.
We stayed there for one month to make all the final arrangements which was more brutal than the death itself. The merry house which always used to swarm with relatives and visitors and had relics of mummy and papa in every nook and cranny is shut up now with most of the stuff gone. It is highly unlikely that it will ever return to the same state. Neither am I going to be the same again. I had a special relationship with papa which skirted more on friendship than father-in-law ship. We too were more like friends who talked, loved, fought, teased and admired each other and shared a lot of other things which we didn’t with others. We two had been very fond of each other since the first moment of our acquaintance.
I miss him badly and I am sure I can never forget him. May God rest his soul and give him peace.
After returning back from India from the terrible ordeal of losing my dearest papa the next thought on my mind was my newly acquired job. I was pretty certain that I must have lost it. Luckily I hadn’t. Had it been in India, I cannot have expected otherwise.
My colleagues and the manager were all so sympathetic and concerned that it freshened my wounds once again and also gladdened my heart that I were amongst people who truly value humanity and simple human emotions.
Nearly 3 months are about to pass and I remember him every single day. Sometimes I get an uncanny feeling that every thing is still unchanged just like before and on going home I would ring him and talk to him telling him about the weather here or some happening at the school……