Yesterday we had resolved to correct Mgt whenever she made a mistake.
Accordingly, today when we were having our morning circle time and Fr began reclining on her lap like on a living room sofa, I first instructed him to sit properly like the other children; he wasn't obeying at first and continued to stick to her and willfully recline on her thighs and she wasn't objecting.
"You see, Mgt", I remarked casually so as not to hurt her in any way and still gently drive my message through.
"You love him so much and he also loves you so much that he wants to sit close to you and lie down that way. But this is a school and we need to teach proper behavior and discipline to the children so he must learn to obey his teachers and behave properly. You know, yesterday you were not here and he was perfect! He sat, walked , ate, peed and did everything else properly. I have noticed that only when he sees you, he wants to misbehave."
I hoped she didn't feel bad but she did. She didn't say anything and kept silent.
Then bigger incidents occurred.
When we were going to the playground, Fr as usual wanted to walk with Mgt and then less 5 meters gone he started insisting to be carried. Before ever she could pick him up, I broke in again, feeling like a villain at the core of my heart.
"Mgt, look, he is trying play up on you. He is big enough to walk and he does walk on his own. I think I should hold his hand because he tries to take advantage of you." and so saying I took his hand and he walked fine all the way to the park.
She felt bad but I couldn't help it.
On the way I noticed that Sf was wearing wet clothes too. She too had been to toilet with Mgt and like we always have to take care to roll up children's shirts, bodysuit, skirts, frocks etc to protect them from dipping into the toilet bowl she had just stood watching her while her long dress got wet with pee!
While we were in the park Fr peed on himself so bad that even his shoes and socks got dripping wet. The last several days he hadn't peed while in the park because we always took him to the toilet before going there. Today Mgt had taken him for pee. We guessed that maybe he outright refused to pee or did sit down on the potty chair but got up without peeing which is why he peed so hard that even soaked his shoes. It was useless asking her; she was visibly in bad mood. Just 2-3 days ago when Mgt had taken Fr to toilet she had proudly told us that Fr had refused to pee in the toilet and had screamed so much for wearing a diaper that she had to give him a diaper...!
I am really getting sick now.
At about 50 + years of age one would imagine her to have more experience and common sense at dealing with things like these. It doesn't require a university degree to figure out how a child should be made to sit on a toilet bowl or what care should be taken while a child is peeing. Furthermore, she is a certified teacher - not even a trainee who is still learning and 7-8 months in a kindergarten should be more than enough to learn these little basics. What, why and how she doesn't know is beyond me. Every single day she makes such silly, clumsy, stupid mistakes for which we have to apologize to parents.
I talked about this to Mks and even he knew how bad she is at work. I was absent on Tuesday and she was given the charge of putting the children to bed and waking them up. We put them to bed everyday at 12.00 noon and start waking them at 1.15 so that by 1.45 they all are up and dressed as they have to have a snack at 2 pm and some of them get picked up. Well, and she let them sleep till 2 pm. When Mks reminded her twice that she should start waking them up, she said, "Oh, let them sleep a little longer. Its good for them."
Imaginably there was chaos when the parents came to collect their children and found they were still sleeping. Many children went home straight after bed without having the time to eat their snack.
Its time to take some step. Her presence in our group is a serious threat to our quality and commitment. On Monday, I will first discuss this with Cl and if she agrees then I will disclose this matter to Mz. I had been trying to avoid doing any such thing which can endanger her position and reputation in this school but I really think her position and reputation should not be so much my concern but her's and if she is any serious about maintaining her job and prestige then shouldn't she be working accordingly?
Accordingly, today when we were having our morning circle time and Fr began reclining on her lap like on a living room sofa, I first instructed him to sit properly like the other children; he wasn't obeying at first and continued to stick to her and willfully recline on her thighs and she wasn't objecting.
"You see, Mgt", I remarked casually so as not to hurt her in any way and still gently drive my message through.
"You love him so much and he also loves you so much that he wants to sit close to you and lie down that way. But this is a school and we need to teach proper behavior and discipline to the children so he must learn to obey his teachers and behave properly. You know, yesterday you were not here and he was perfect! He sat, walked , ate, peed and did everything else properly. I have noticed that only when he sees you, he wants to misbehave."
I hoped she didn't feel bad but she did. She didn't say anything and kept silent.
Then bigger incidents occurred.
When we were going to the playground, Fr as usual wanted to walk with Mgt and then less 5 meters gone he started insisting to be carried. Before ever she could pick him up, I broke in again, feeling like a villain at the core of my heart.
"Mgt, look, he is trying play up on you. He is big enough to walk and he does walk on his own. I think I should hold his hand because he tries to take advantage of you." and so saying I took his hand and he walked fine all the way to the park.
She felt bad but I couldn't help it.
On the way I noticed that Sf was wearing wet clothes too. She too had been to toilet with Mgt and like we always have to take care to roll up children's shirts, bodysuit, skirts, frocks etc to protect them from dipping into the toilet bowl she had just stood watching her while her long dress got wet with pee!
While we were in the park Fr peed on himself so bad that even his shoes and socks got dripping wet. The last several days he hadn't peed while in the park because we always took him to the toilet before going there. Today Mgt had taken him for pee. We guessed that maybe he outright refused to pee or did sit down on the potty chair but got up without peeing which is why he peed so hard that even soaked his shoes. It was useless asking her; she was visibly in bad mood. Just 2-3 days ago when Mgt had taken Fr to toilet she had proudly told us that Fr had refused to pee in the toilet and had screamed so much for wearing a diaper that she had to give him a diaper...!
I am really getting sick now.
At about 50 + years of age one would imagine her to have more experience and common sense at dealing with things like these. It doesn't require a university degree to figure out how a child should be made to sit on a toilet bowl or what care should be taken while a child is peeing. Furthermore, she is a certified teacher - not even a trainee who is still learning and 7-8 months in a kindergarten should be more than enough to learn these little basics. What, why and how she doesn't know is beyond me. Every single day she makes such silly, clumsy, stupid mistakes for which we have to apologize to parents.
I talked about this to Mks and even he knew how bad she is at work. I was absent on Tuesday and she was given the charge of putting the children to bed and waking them up. We put them to bed everyday at 12.00 noon and start waking them at 1.15 so that by 1.45 they all are up and dressed as they have to have a snack at 2 pm and some of them get picked up. Well, and she let them sleep till 2 pm. When Mks reminded her twice that she should start waking them up, she said, "Oh, let them sleep a little longer. Its good for them."
Imaginably there was chaos when the parents came to collect their children and found they were still sleeping. Many children went home straight after bed without having the time to eat their snack.
Its time to take some step. Her presence in our group is a serious threat to our quality and commitment. On Monday, I will first discuss this with Cl and if she agrees then I will disclose this matter to Mz. I had been trying to avoid doing any such thing which can endanger her position and reputation in this school but I really think her position and reputation should not be so much my concern but her's and if she is any serious about maintaining her job and prestige then shouldn't she be working accordingly?