So today was a holiday for children but a special working day for teachers. We were told it will be a teacher's training workshop; it however was only a general meeting the type we have every fortnight. The only difference being it was really really long from 9 am to 4.30 pm and..,interesting.
We began by discussing individual problems of each group, problematic children, Fr's inability to pee properly, Bshr's naughtiness, Ptr's insolence etc etc. I was pleased when my views and advises were met with acclaim and appreciation.
And then came the interesting part. Stf herself!
We started discussing Stf and her policies and I was surprised to discover how everyone was so disgruntled including Mz and My. I had hitherto thought at least My and Mz were happy.
Stf only wants to expand her business and earn more and more money. She has illegally admitted too many children in every group which in turn has overburdened the teachers with unnecessary tasks. Her idea or rather, Tk's idea to promote the child to the next group as soon as he turns a year older to create a vacancy in that group is actually wreaking a havoc in all the groups. The children first take time in settling in the new group and getting accustomed with the teachers, the children and the practices of the group when suddenly they celebrate their birthday and then the next day they are uprooted and planted into a totally new group. The entire group gets confused and unsettled as new children keep walking in and the old ones keep walking out. You might think you were really on a busy metro station.
In this process the teachers are not able to teach anything since the ones who had just begun to learn went away and the new ones will take some time before they can begin to learn.
"I don't feel like I am a teacher anymore;" Commented My." I have not been able to teach a single thing to my kids since the new session started. I am all the time changing diapers of the kids. It is horrible."
We all agreed it was just the same with us.
Stf has admitted 15 babies in the baby group with only three teachers to handle them - An, Nd and Stf. They complained 15 babies were too much for them. If one baby cries, the rest start crying too. Their noise gives them earaches and headaches. Often they have to hold two babies simultaneously together in their arms which further gives them severe backache. And now Stf is planning to usurp Mk's room and turn it into a nursery too so that more babies could be accommodated and keep Mk's 20 children and Mz's 15 children together in Mz'z room.! Thirty five children together in one small room! The very thought is suffocating!
"I cannot work under these conditions. I have told her I am leaving at the end of this session." Said Mk.
"And me too." Said Jn. "I cannot work either in this way."
"Why don't we all talk to Stf and request her not to do like this. " Mz suggested.
So everyone started jotting down the points they wanted to discuss with Stf. Mks in his usual brutally frank way told us that Stf was being completely right-"I mean try to look from her point of view. She is a businesswoman and wants to expand her business. There is nothing wrong in thinking like this. If I were in her place I would do the same. As to leaving my job, let me tell you guys, I shall never leave my job for anyone. I have rent and electricity bills to pay. I need my job."
"Me too." Nodded My.
"Me also" Agreed several of them.
"You can write down as many points as you please, but let me tell you, you guys are just wasting your time." Mks declared.
"Yes, I think so too." I dropped in. " She is the boss and she does what she wants. She might listen to you but ultimately she will just do it. Like last time we had requested her not to take in more children, or not to transfer children in next group mid session, she had consented or appear to be considering but ultimately she did it. I am very sure she will not listen to us. If she has made up her mind then that's the end to it."
"I don't believe this." Cl argued incredulously with wide eyes. "She loves us and really likes us. I am sure she will listen to us." Her reply was so irritatingly foolish...!
Cl's behavior is so maddening!
We are normally always very affectionate and fond of each other. Only two days ago she had hugged me fondly like a long lost sister when she returned from her blood test telling me she had missed me so much, and then just yesterday sent me a long email thanking me for everything and that we are the best team in the world and blah blah blah. Yet today when we met in the school when she was sitting amidst the other teachers she behaved cool, aloof almost indifferent like I were just an unindentifiable in a busy crowd. Apart from appearing distant, she also tries to oppose my opinion in front of the others while when she is alone, she agrees with everything that I say; and this I will have to admit, always catches me off guard. Being the close friends and colleagues that we are and having already shared my views with her on a certain subject and knowing that she agreed with me, I naturally expect she will second my view and not oppose me in front of the others.
We began by discussing individual problems of each group, problematic children, Fr's inability to pee properly, Bshr's naughtiness, Ptr's insolence etc etc. I was pleased when my views and advises were met with acclaim and appreciation.
And then came the interesting part. Stf herself!
We started discussing Stf and her policies and I was surprised to discover how everyone was so disgruntled including Mz and My. I had hitherto thought at least My and Mz were happy.
Stf only wants to expand her business and earn more and more money. She has illegally admitted too many children in every group which in turn has overburdened the teachers with unnecessary tasks. Her idea or rather, Tk's idea to promote the child to the next group as soon as he turns a year older to create a vacancy in that group is actually wreaking a havoc in all the groups. The children first take time in settling in the new group and getting accustomed with the teachers, the children and the practices of the group when suddenly they celebrate their birthday and then the next day they are uprooted and planted into a totally new group. The entire group gets confused and unsettled as new children keep walking in and the old ones keep walking out. You might think you were really on a busy metro station.
In this process the teachers are not able to teach anything since the ones who had just begun to learn went away and the new ones will take some time before they can begin to learn.
"I don't feel like I am a teacher anymore;" Commented My." I have not been able to teach a single thing to my kids since the new session started. I am all the time changing diapers of the kids. It is horrible."
We all agreed it was just the same with us.
Stf has admitted 15 babies in the baby group with only three teachers to handle them - An, Nd and Stf. They complained 15 babies were too much for them. If one baby cries, the rest start crying too. Their noise gives them earaches and headaches. Often they have to hold two babies simultaneously together in their arms which further gives them severe backache. And now Stf is planning to usurp Mk's room and turn it into a nursery too so that more babies could be accommodated and keep Mk's 20 children and Mz's 15 children together in Mz'z room.! Thirty five children together in one small room! The very thought is suffocating!
"I cannot work under these conditions. I have told her I am leaving at the end of this session." Said Mk.
"And me too." Said Jn. "I cannot work either in this way."
"Why don't we all talk to Stf and request her not to do like this. " Mz suggested.
So everyone started jotting down the points they wanted to discuss with Stf. Mks in his usual brutally frank way told us that Stf was being completely right-"I mean try to look from her point of view. She is a businesswoman and wants to expand her business. There is nothing wrong in thinking like this. If I were in her place I would do the same. As to leaving my job, let me tell you guys, I shall never leave my job for anyone. I have rent and electricity bills to pay. I need my job."
"Me too." Nodded My.
"Me also" Agreed several of them.
"You can write down as many points as you please, but let me tell you, you guys are just wasting your time." Mks declared.
"Yes, I think so too." I dropped in. " She is the boss and she does what she wants. She might listen to you but ultimately she will just do it. Like last time we had requested her not to take in more children, or not to transfer children in next group mid session, she had consented or appear to be considering but ultimately she did it. I am very sure she will not listen to us. If she has made up her mind then that's the end to it."
"I don't believe this." Cl argued incredulously with wide eyes. "She loves us and really likes us. I am sure she will listen to us." Her reply was so irritatingly foolish...!
Cl's behavior is so maddening!
We are normally always very affectionate and fond of each other. Only two days ago she had hugged me fondly like a long lost sister when she returned from her blood test telling me she had missed me so much, and then just yesterday sent me a long email thanking me for everything and that we are the best team in the world and blah blah blah. Yet today when we met in the school when she was sitting amidst the other teachers she behaved cool, aloof almost indifferent like I were just an unindentifiable in a busy crowd. Apart from appearing distant, she also tries to oppose my opinion in front of the others while when she is alone, she agrees with everything that I say; and this I will have to admit, always catches me off guard. Being the close friends and colleagues that we are and having already shared my views with her on a certain subject and knowing that she agreed with me, I naturally expect she will second my view and not oppose me in front of the others.