Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Our New Manager

Our new manager Mr, is a middle aged lady from Greece who is allegedly very qualified and experienced. She however can only speak a broken German and no English at all which means I may not have to do anything with her.

She joined today and started functioning by noting down everybody's name, group and status.

While we were making mother's day gift in our group she came and asked what it was and why all the groups were making different gifts.
"Because all the groups are of different age groups. They have to make gifts according to their appropriate age." Asy replied tersely looking at Mr as if wondering which planet she was coming from to think all the groups would make same gift.

Later, when we all three were undressing the children in the sleeping room, Mr peeped in and asked somewhat suspiciously what three teachers were doing together in one room. That sounded insulting, luckily for me I didn't understand and Asy almost angrily replied that we were undressing the children and putting them to bed.
"But surely, three teachers are too many for this work." She mumbled loud enough for us hear and know that she was trying to point out that we were a pack of lazy people just wasting our time and school's money.

Later, I heard that she scolded Mks for taking too much time to serve food to the children.

Everybody has started grumbling at her invasive management and her insulting behavior, especially about her weird decision about making the same gift for mother's day.
It is weird that she has joined the school just two days ago, doesn't as yet know how this school functions, hasn't talked or held a meeting to decide what needed to be done for mother's day and yet comes down on everyone to tell them what they were doing was wrong! First of all, it is not possible for all the groups to make the same gift; all the groups are of different age group and capabilities. And if she wanted such a thing she should have told us or at least discussed with us in advance.

She seems more like a police on patrol trying to catch thieves and bank robbers rather than a school manager who has to ensure smooth functioning of the institution. I wonder how far she can go with an offensive and totally tactless attitude like that.

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