My King Herod appears to be in love with my Mary....!
The Mary in my play is a 5 year old beautiful little girl with long golden curls. She makes a perfect pair with Joseph who is also 5 years old, tall, beautiful German boy, with long golden hair. Well. the problem started when my King Herod, left the play to attend a family marriage and I, in acute dearth of English speaking children for the play, had to promote my newly appointed innkeeper to the role of the king.
I was astounded to see he could act exceptionally well and even knew all the dialogs by heart even though he had been only 2 days old with the play team. But he came up to me and solemnly told me that he wanted to become Joseph and not the king.
"But why?'
"Because Joseph has more dialogs to speak than I.'
' That's not true; you are king and you too have plenty of lines to speak."
" But I want to be Joseph because he is getting more time to spend with Mary whereas I am getting none at all.''
The truth was I would have loved making him Joseph as he clearly appears to have a lot of acting potential, but he is much shorter than Mary and so I couldn't and told him so.
'Look. Your papa is tall, your mama is short. Everyone's papas are tall and mamas short. You are shorter than Mary so I cannot make you Joseph.'
He understood this then and resigned himself to be the king but I have noticed that he eyes Joseph and Mary with plenty of wist. He knows their dialogs by heart and one day when Joseph was absent he himself suggested to play his role just for practice and then had a merry time holding her by the shoulders and saying all the dialogs accurately.
I happened to talk to his mother and was pretty surprised to hear her tell me that his horoscope which was prepared soon after he was born, says he will become a great actor one day.....!
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