Monday, 27 February 2012

The weekly plan

I was unwell so on medical leave for four days. I kept wondering every minute what was happening in the school.

It was time for Stfn to send the plan for the next week and she didn't send any. I mailed to her on Friday that  if she had any problem in sending the plan, she should send it to me instead and I would send it to the parents on her behalf; I didn't get any reply to the mail either.

I waited until Sunday afternoon. When there was still no sign of her weekly plan, I wrote out the plan which she had cursorily discussed with me and sent it finally.

An hour later Stfn mailed me telling me that she would like to mail her plan later next week, maybe Monday; she hadn't been able to because she couldn't understand the system And I need not worry because nobody in the school has sent the plan this week. Capital!

The sending of the plan is not such a big issue. It isn't a calamity if the plan doesn't reach the parents on time. It wouldn't have mattered one single whit if the plan was mailed to them on Sunday or Monday or any other day. But prestige matters. I and Cl had always been regular in sending the plan and not because the regularity was enforced on us but because we both wished it to be like that. We both wanted to deliver quality and passion in our service.

So long as I am here I want the parents and children to get the best that I am capable of. I know the parents won't think even twice about this trivial point but it matters a lot to me.

Friday, 24 February 2012

Stfn's first weekly plan

On Wednesday, Stfn made her weekly plan on a sheet of paper ( something to do with sounds, loud and soft) and showed it to me. I then explained to her how she could mail it to the parents of our group and she nodded obediently. She said she would post it either on Wednesday or Thursday. As both I and Cl always posted the plan on weekends; posting next week's plan in the very beginning or middle of the week sounded a bit odd but okay, no problem,it is still a plan!
 I further suggested that since it is her first formal mail to the parents, it would be nice, though not needed, if she introduced herself briefly just to be polite.

I unexpectedly fell ill on Thursday and couldn't go to school at all. The whole time I kept wondering what was happening up there in the school. 
As she had told me she would post her plan pretty soon I kept checking the mail box regularly but there is no sign of any although now it is Friday night. I am afraid that she has decided against posting or has encountered some problem. whatever, I mailed to her today afternoon asking her if she had any problem and to post her plan to me on my personal mail id and then I would do the rest; I also told her gently enough that it was important to send the plan before Monday. As yet there is no reply to this either.

I am all in the dark. Why hasn't she mailed her plan as yet? She hasn't even answered my mail. What will the parents think? Ever since the mailing system was created Cl and I kept it up without a single fail. And now when barely a week has passed since Cl's departure, I do not want it to get messed up and that too without any reason. 

I am considering what to do if she fails to post her plan by Sunday evening. Should I then myself make a plan similar to the one she had showed me, and post it in order to avoid embarrassment in front of the parents? Will it be okay? Maybe I am just getting jittery over a nothing. Its not a life and death situation that I should be worrying so much but yes, it is a matter of our group's prestige and promise of delivery. I should hate to break that trust and confidence.

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Stfn has been for three days in my group and so far I am happy with the way things are turning out although it is as vague as smelling a coffee from a ten mile distance.
The children as well as their parents have accepted her without any questions, without any curiosities. Even the two new children Mnt and Nn do not appear to have any great problems currently other than remaining firmly glued to Stfn but this was something they had always done. Stfn is nice and loving to all the children and trying to get a hang of the new group gradually. Unlike my previous perception, she appears to be a lot more active, energetic and eager to learn and follow. She also displays a far superior level of knowledge and experience in handling children than Cl had.

The older children who were previously in Stfn's group however are giving a slightly different reaction. They had been babies under her supervision about six months ago; they have started regarding Stfn as their teacher again and themselves as still the babies they had then been. Both Onm and Fd refused outright to obey my order/instructions which they had never done before! In fact Onm refused to hold my hand while walking to the playground outside. As he was walking really slowly and not in the line, I wanted him to hold my hand but he refused again and again and flinched from me repeatedly as if my touch was undesirable to him! I am so glad that over- spoilt, over- pampered, attention seeking Mrn left our group just one week ago because she had a really really terrible temperament. She used to get offended even if you happened to look at her squarely and then she would burst out crying totally inconsolable and refuse to look at you, obey you or even listen to you giving you ugly, defiant, hateful looks. With Stfn back as her teacher Mrn would have really enjoyed throwing her silly tantrums. Asy used to say that she has the temperament like that of old, crappy, cranky, irascible grandmothers!
The rest of the children have also been behaving a bit unsettled, over noisy, hyperactive and somewhat difficult to stay in control but that may not be due to Stfn/Cl  factor  but because of the two consecutive party days and plenty of fun and enjoyment in school. Maybe they will be okay in another two days.

As to Cl, I am shocked to notice that the parents as well as the children have chosen to forget her sooner than  a waft of wind. With someone like Cl and with the services like she had rendered, I had imagined she would be very difficult to forget by parents and children alike; yet no parent talked to me about her, or requested me to convey his thanks to her for her farewell gift to children. They just grabbed the gift and walked away not wanting to waste another thought on a mere school teacher. Onm's mother came to pick up Onm and without exchanging a polite word with me about Cl who had gone out of her way to look after Onm on so many occasions just chatted away with Stfn and went away not even waving goodbye to me. Cl had often noticed this that Onm's mother behaved as though she admired and respected Stfn a great deal and every morning when she came to drop Onm she would talk only to her and rarely if ever to Cl. The same with Mrn's mother.
As to the two new children in my group, their parents just didn't bother even to look at me. It didn't occur to them to at least greet their child's new group teacher a polite 'Hello' or ask about any important information. They came, chatted away with Stfn for a good 7-10 minutes, collected their children and went away not wasting a single glance in my direction although I had been standing just two feet from Stfn. The other parents too just came, took their children and left. Frankly speaking, I wasn't expecting this. I had thought everyone would want to talk to me about Cl that they were sorry she left and wanted to thank her for her gift to their children....

None of the children asked me where Cl was. That little boy Jr who loved Cl so much that he only sat in her lap and only held her hand while walking in a line and always showed preference for her and her alone, has actually not even once asked me about her. He cried and wailed while entering the class as always and then was pretty fine sitting in my lap and in Stfn's lap. I now realize, he had actually never loved her; his preference for her was not love just habit or a decision which we all mistook to be affection. He now has no problem staying without her. He doesn't even remember her.

Children have very short memories and no concept of emotional affection. They are just needy for someone to fulfill their basic needs. This is one of the ugly faces of children...I have now discovered...!

Today I explained to Stfn how to make lesson plans and mail them. 

Has Cl really gone?

The reality that Cl has permanently gone from this school and that I would never see her again has still not sunk in yet and this when I had been shedding so many tears for her since nearly 2-3 weeks! To tell the truth I haven't even missed her at school. I don't even think that she is not there and just feel as if she were on her break or on a leave and would come back soon.
 This sort of thing happens when you are too habitual of somebody. Like with my nephew. He was leaving his parents and his hometown for the first time in life to start his hostel; everybody cried so much and I didn't at all feel that he was going. Even when he was gone and we used to talk to phone I would just feel as if he was still there close enough to me.

I don't feel she has gone...!

Monday, 20 February 2012

Fasching and my first day with Stfn

It was Fasching in the kindergarten today; also my first day without Cl and first day with my new colleague Stfn.

I was a bit worried because due to the Fasching party there would be many extra tasks to be done which normally Cl used to do such as preparing the morning snack in advance (as she arrived in the school a good one and a half hour earlier than me). Stfn also arrives at about the same time but her being new, she would not know this yet. And then I also had to dress H in his Indian King costume as well as I had my Shivratri fast and early morning Shivratri puja.
Its going to be hectic today, I feared and I was right.

All the children were in their special costume. Parents started handing me the goody bag until I felt the krapfen and bretzel and chocolates etc would nearly last us the whole year! And then, there were two new kids in the class: Nn and Mnt. Both are under two years!

I wanted to do my best to make Stfn feel comfortable and at home in her new group. I had bought a small glass flower vase with two pretty little flowers in it as her welcome gift. It wasn't needed in the least but it would make lift her spirits up and make her feel welcome. When we started our morning circle, I presented her this gift through Onm, her favorite child.
Stfn still looked a bit preoccupied and sad for nearly half the day but started looking better later. We sang and danced and enjoyed the party and soon the day was over. The children were going crazy with so many fun filled activities, soap bubbles, twirling crepe ribbons and gorging on chocolates and donuts of all kinds.

I took lots of pictures and mailed them to all the parents! An activity just after my heart!
I also sent a welcome mail to the two new parents.

I am just a tiny bit surprised that both those new parents should have spoken to me out of courtesy and etiquette but they didn't...

It was a hectic day and I kept running out of breath...

I had sewn H's Indian king dress last night out of my own nice looking brocaded kurta last night. I coupled it with same cloth cap which rather looked like a special brocaded crown and a wrap too of the same material. I made his princely moustache with black marker and highlighted his eyebrows and put about 8-9 silver and gold pearl ropes in all lengths in his neck. He looked so beautiful like a little prince. When he went in everybody stared at him open mouthed and started clicking his picture after picture. Kn's mother looked at him and exclaimed:
"You look like a very rich man with so many gold necklaces. Can I be your wife?"
I nearly cracked up laughing. I had never heard anything so funny before!

Friday, 17 February 2012

Cl's emotional farewell!

So today was Cl's farewell!
I had woken up early from bed today in order to reach the school earlier just to make sure everything was ready for the party. Last night I had already finished the calendar and in fact made a funny collage with Cl's Halloween picture as well as with mine and Asy's and the children as well.

When I went in we hugged each other with glistening eyes. I took her to the corner of the kitchen and gave her the tiny jewelry box. She gasped when she beheld the glittering heart shaped pink stones.
"Oh, my God! Oh my God! This is so beautiful! Oh my God!"
"Just to make sure you think of me every time you look at them."

There was the usual congregation of children in the hall with the tables laid out with candles and other goodies. I handed my mobile to Mks to record the whole thing. The party began by singing the German farewell song 'Einfach spitze das du da bist...' and then gifts started pouring in.
Mz presented a card made by her children. Then Knshk handed her a big gift box. She opened it and pulled out the school cap and socks and the large bear but it didn't occur to her that it was not the real gift. Then I gave her the real gift- the vase with the messages written on it and stuffed with three cute little bears with satin ribbon around their necks. She was soo happy. Then Jr, her favorite student handed her the second gift - the calender with her lovely photos. Then Jr's mother who was standing close by gave a big bouquet of blue tulips. Then My's group presented her an album which held sad pictures of children to convey they were sad she was leaving.
Cl was opening the pages of the album when out from the blue Mz stormed forward and demanded in neither very polite tones nor polite enough expressions:
"Sorry, ** and Cl, you must close the album now. We have to finish the party as the music teacher has to start her music lesson in half an hour's time. Please you must close it just now."
There was a deep silence for a minute while everybody tried to figure out what she had said.
"Oh yes, yes, of course." Cl and I both nodded and we put away the gifts and started handing out the cakes and juice. The children were ordered to eat rather quickly and we finished off.

I couldn't help smiling to myself in secret amusement. Mz's face was a picture to look at! She was so angry and upset.
"Mz, you are looking upset. Is anything wrong?" I asked.
"No, nothing is wrong." She said with blazing eyes.
"You look upset."
"No. I am not upset." She replied flatly, meaning she was.
Of course she was plainly jealous. She couldn't stand the fact that Cl was receiving so many gifts on her farewell while she - Mz- didn't get half so many on her birthday. She is a very passionate woman and has no control over her emotions, expressions and reactions.

Much to her chagrin there was no sign of the music teacher for whom allegedly she had terminated the gift opening ritual so early. The music teacher at last showed up nearly two hours later. As she entered the main door she announced she wanted to meet Cl as she had a farewell gift for her. Bad timing! Mz was standing just behind the door. I nearly died with laughter in my stomach.

Back in our own classroom we had a little unique morning circle for the last time; the usual weather and season discussion for the last time. Neither of us could take it off our minds that it was the last time. I requested her to sing "Bin ich aufgewacht...' as this song is my favorite one and half way through we both broke down....
I got up to get a tissue for myself and just at that time Stf entered the room. She saw me crying and held me close to her chest for a long time. I was amazed to see that she was shivering and had tears in her eyes too.
Then she hugged Cl. She had brought roses for her.
"Let all of us go to where you are shifting. You too ** and your husband and then we will be together."
She had viral fever and come specifically to meet Cl the last time. I shall always appreciate her for this.

We served lunch to the children and then took them to sleep. The real time to say final good bye was one hour later. I had promised myself that I won't cry anymore. We should make a happy farewell.
"Let's not cry anymore. We have cried enough in the past two weeks." said I. "Let's be positive. You are going to have a new future now and I know it will be bright and full of success."
"Yes, the same for you." She agreed and we hugged each other one last time and before another second could pass we both had started crying yet once again.
"I might never see you again in life." I said.
"Maybe I meet you in India. Maybe I come to work in your school.."

I have never taken had such a tearful farewell from anyone before. Well, yes, I have. I had cried a lot when Mnj was leaving my branch to take over another as its principal. We were close friends and colleagues. We continued in touch until I got married and since then I have never seen her.

Cl has received not only a farewell fairly befitting her worth but also the best this school has ever given to any of its employees. She was undoubtedly the best teacher and the most loved one. But apart from that she was also one of the best person's I have ever known in my life and the best colleague I ever had or am ever likely to have. I shall always remember her...

Thursday, 16 February 2012

Preparation for Cl's farewell

I came across a startling revelation today.
My came into my room to see my gift for Cl. and to show me her gift for Cl. She was very happy to see the way I had packed it. Then she accidentally slipped into a bit confidential conversation with me. As a rule, I always avoid talking anything intimate or confidential with anyone.  I had merely blurted a remark that I was very worried what will happen next week as Cl won't be there anymore.
"Yes, I know what you mean. Stfn does not want to come to your group. This is stupid because as employees we do not have the right to refuse. What ever Stf decides we must obey her. The reason why she does not want to relinquish her group is because she is physically and mentally very comfortable there. She does nothing over there, just keeps carrying any baby in her arms and shows that its a lot of work. Many times when we made surprise visits to her group we found she and Ndn were lounging cozily or even occasionally napping in secret. Once Stf entered their room and she found Stfn asleep with all the babies awake in the room. Then and there she decided that Stfn has to leave this group. Stfn is actually lucky she hasn't been fired due to misconduct or not doing her job well enough. She has become great friends with Ndn and An and together they just relax and do nothing. That's why she is being sent to you because you are very active and energetic; you work hard a lot. Stf thinks if Stfn will come to you, you will influence her into becoming active and hard working too."
This revelation came upon me as a total surprise and on later reflection I even find it hard to believe yet possible to a certain degree. 
My own perception of Stfn's character is that she is basically an indolent, sluggish sort of person who would rather sit then move, takes the easy way out, and nonchalantly finds others to do something she ought to have done. It is not impossible to believe that she was found asleep with a handful of babies around her. There have been plenty of instances in the past where her disinclination to work was exhibited in front of me. This is also absolutely true that she is great friends with Ndn and in fact both of them live together in the same apartment.
Before this I had been talking to Cl and we both agreed that Stfn is not being professional. She should not refuse orders or decisions in this fashion. Firstly because she doesn't have the rights and secondly because the order is not inappropriate in any way. 
"She looks very strong and determined but I know her a bit intimately and I can tell you that she is actually a very emotional person. She clings to the children so much that she cannot let them leave her. last year she had a lot of difficulty in handing over Mrn and Onm to us just because she loved them so much that couldn't separate from them. Even now she loves them a lot."
" Yes, precisely that's why both Mrn and Onm had so much difficulty in accepting us and their new group! I exclaimed. Now I am constrained to think if having Stfn with me means a bigger trouble than having someone like Mch. She will restart her cosseting and petting of her previous group children which will spoil them and make it harder for me to teach them. The very same for their parents as well.

I had to make a calender with Cl's portrait shots which I had earlier taken. I had already got them printed and now only the sticking part had to be done by the children in secret. So today when Cl left me in the sleeping room and dropped Jr, Ll and Ksh in My's room I quietly slipped out and brought back Jr, Ksh and Ll and made them stick the pictures and even make a caterpillar by sticking round yellow stickers and writing their name with my help! I had remembered to block the door so that in case Cl came inside suddenly she wouldn't be able to come. It was to be in complete secret. Then the rest of the children stuck the rest of the pictures; actually every child got to stick one picture. The calendar looked beautiful!
Today in the evening Cl is giving a drink party in the nearby restaurant bar. Everyone wanted me to come but I can't because of H and because there are plenty of tasks for me to accomplish. I have to go to the photo studio and get some more photos printed, finish the calendar, pack it and keep everything ready for her farewell tomorrow. 

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Everybody is jealous of Asy! Cl's gift reparation

Yesterday, Asy was absent due to her modelling assignment. Today she called up to inform that she won't be able to come today either as she has a sprain in her arm. Both Cl and I were concerned and both hoped she became well by Friday which is Cl's last day. 
"I would be very sorry if I couldn't meet her on my last day!" Said Cl.
"And me too for the same reason." I said, however I also have an additional reason to worry because Asy has enthusiastically offered to pay half the cost of the jewelry which I am buying for Cl's farewell. Yesterday I received the jewelry through courier and it looks really beautiful and elegant. Its pink Swaroski heart shaped pendent and earrings. Today I had even brought it to show it to Asy. I think since she is paying half the cost, she not only needs to see it but also be personally present at the time of its gifting. If she is absent at that moment then there is no sense in her paying for it.

 In a short time she has become rather close to us and we feel so affectionate towards each other. However, to our great surprise she is not popular in the staff. There's nobody who likes her. Once Cl remarked that Asy looks so great to which another person, I don't know who, replied sardonically "Really? I don't think so." Which is wrong because Asy does look great.
And then today when we told Mk why she was absent he made a sarcastic face as if he didn't believe it. My too did the same. 
A few days ago, Asy herself had told me that Stfn and Ndn used to behave so rudely with her, not answering her greetings, not talking to her even when she was trying to make polite conversation with them, and refusing to even recognize if she happened to meet them outside the school. She used to feel so uncomfortable in their group. Ever since she has been in our group she looks visibly happy. She has started feeling the same interest, love and enjoyment in school life which Cl or I take naturally.

Its a shame the others don't like her because she is really a very warm hearted person and is always ready to work hard, enthusiastic and even caring. She loves the children and is eager to learn and learns pretty quickly. There's no reason why anyone should dislike her. But of course, her good looks put every other female in the school to shame. They all are being a bunch of jealous women...nothing else!

Today I again took a lot of pictures. Cl had brought her camera as well. She posed with each child separately and then I took one picture from her camera and then one from mine. After the school, I went to photo studio and got some of her special pictures printed. Now tomorrow, when the children go to sleep and Cl goes to staff room on her break, I will wake the children up and quickly make them stick the pictures on to the calender and make caterpillar print as well. 

I have plenty of work to do tomorrow...

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Cl's gift

Today during the morning circle, Cl announced to the children that she was leaving and unexpectedly we both broke down. The children stared at us in confusion and amazement as they peered at us to see how we were talking in unsteady voice and wiping our tears. 

 I have packed a big school bear, school socks, school cd, school tattoo strip, and a children's school Tshirt and school cap in a large box. The box looks really very beautiful. I plan to give this gift box as a prank.  She will be visibly disappointed to see this silly gift because none of the items can be used by her. And then when everybody has given their gifts, I will produce the real gift: the big flower vase with teacher's messages and stuffed with chocolates and three little bears wearing a ribbon with names of Cl, Asy and mine written on them and the calender with her pictures. 

As to Swarovski gift, I am undecided when to give that. Definitely not in front of the whole staff as everybody would become jealous especially people like Mz who can publicly comment that I never gave such a gift to them. Maybe just before the party or just after...
I hope she will like the gift...

Mch is having the time of her life. flinging her nose in air, least bothered about the agony she is causing to quite a number of people and conceited, complacent, haughty and nonchalant she is a singular example of those people who believe in living for themselves. I don't really know her enough to say this but her expressions make me think maybe she is like this; and of course the others give the same opinion.
Today, Jln was absent so Mch was sent to work with Mk. When I went to pick up H and asked how she liked her day today, she blurted
"Ya, I liked it very much. I hope I will be here tomorrow as well as Jln can't become well so soon. I hope I get to come here tomorrow too."
Well, I should make some allowance to the fact that she is a German and does not know English that well. Maybe she was really sympathetic to Jln but used just the wrong words out of her ignorance in this language.

Monday, 13 February 2012

English teachers in this school

The set up of this school is such that only the German teachers are made the group leaders; their team mates merely follow orders. As to English teachers, they are merely dummies, a mere unsubstantial shadow. They are there in the class only to speak English. They are never involved in the lesson planning, meeting discussions or even simple notification processes. While it is really pathetic because the main reason for the existence of this school is its bilingualism. More than 60 percent of children and parents are English speaking. The major reason for enrollment of students is English. majority of parents are expats from English speaking countries who want English instructions for their children, while the rest are those who desire their children to learn English. And yet, and yet, English teachers are given such a degradingly obscure status. During meetings or workshops almost every word is spoken in German which the English teachers do not understand until someone fumblingly translates which also means they are excluded from the general discussion. Resultingly the English teachers keep yawning in utter boredom and clearly feel they are not needed.

The baby group's English teacher An, My's group's English teacher Mks, Mk's Group's English teacher Jlna and Mz's group's English teacher Jrn all of these are dummies; they have no roll to play in the class, no responsibility to perform and have nothing to do except following the words of their group leader. I only recently discovered that none of these English teachers make lesson plans - lesson planning is entirely done by the German teachers. In fact most of the times the English teacher is not even aware of what's going to be done today. That's kind of strange and unfair. I am the only English teacher in the whole school who does anything or decide anything but that has been possible because of Cl's timid and cooperative character which allowed me to have my way. But because she was officially the group leader everybody thought my work was her work and she ran high in praize and appreciation. I wonder if anyone will ever know how I have working for the school.
Now that Stfn is going to take over Cl, my status could change drastically. I am wondering if she will let me plan lessons and take the lead. Will she let me have my morning circles the way I want or thrust her ways? If I don't get to do things at all, then what?

Cl's farewell!

Cl's farewell party has been scheduled for this Friday. She has also planned a drink party in a nearby restaurant and has already invited everyone; me too but I won't go because of H being with me.

As to farewell gift, I have bought a white ceramic rectangular flower vase on which I got all the teachers write their message for her in red/ green/ black waterproof ink. The vase as it is, is a very stylish and elegant looking; after the writings it actually started looking even more chic and fashionable as if the writings were actually a design.
It was difficult to get this work done as Cl and I are almost always together. So when I and the children had retired to sleeping room one by one the teachers came and wrote their message. They all said it was a unique idea and the vase actually looked very beautiful.

The vase with the message is the gift from the school. I further plan to stuff the vase with chocolates and small teddy bears and a further funny messages inside. Then there is a gift from the children: a blank calendar on which the children will stick Cl's pictures and make a caterpillar with thumb print on every page. All the other groups are also preparing a farewell gift made by children. And yet, there is one more gift for her- a beautiful and costly swaroski jewelry set. Asy has offered to share half the cost of this personal gift.

Today I took my camera to school and shot plenty of photos of her. I will get them photoshopped by my brother in India and then I shall get them printed. Hmmm! A lot of work and there is very little time now...!

Friday, 10 February 2012

Stfn in fire and tears

Yesterday as I walked into the school and was taking off my coat, gloves etc. Stfn came out from her from her room and started saying.
"I want to tell you something before you hear this from somebody else. I have been told to come to your group in place of Cl. I want you know that I like you very much and it would be a pleasure to work with you but this is not what I want. I am feeling bad because baby group is my place; I created this group and love the babies but the new teacher Mch is being given my group. She is a horrible creature and does not even love the babies. The babies start crying when she picks them up. I cannot give up my group to her. I cannot work here anymore. All the parents are on my side. They all are appalled that I am being dealt with like this and that their babies are to be looked after by that new teacher whom nobody likes. The parents have assured me that they are contacting the parents committee and will try to pressurize Stf to change this decision."

She broke into tears. I was so sorry for her.
There was nothing that I could do. Everyone was aware of this news in the school. My had already informed Cl and Cl actually liked this decision because she felt Stf is better than Ndn and it will be nice to work with her.

Stfn kept crying the whole day. Twice she threw up because of the constant crying. I heard her talking to various parents personally as well as on phone about this unfair decision. Stf the boss is definitely not going to like this. I thought.

In the evening we had the routine meeting. The last one for Cl!
Both Ndn as well as Stfn were clearly miserable. Mz commenced the meeting by declaring this officially that Stfn will be replacing Cl, while Stfn's position will be filled by the new teacher Mch together with Ndn."
Ndn, Mk and Stfn tried to postulate that this is not the best decision under the circumstances as it is disrupting a number of elements; it would be simpler rather and more beneficial if Mch were to replace Cl. To which Mz haughtily replied:
"This decision is final. If anybody is not happy with it he can resign. I am not going to discuss this topic any further. Next point, please."

Why do we have meetings at all if we are not supposed to discuss the most pressing issues? Do meetings mean only munching brezels and gossiping about fickle matters not even related to school?

The meeting ended rather early; I guess everyone realized they didn't want to say anything for the very futility of it. I went to say bye to Stfn. She was crying again.

"Stfn," Said I, "You have been crying since morning, well, since yesterday actually, but now its time to stop. Crying won't help you. It won't solve anything. Why do you think this decision is so bad for you? I understand you made this group and love the babies but there is more in this world than this group and those babies. Why do you want to stay in this group when staying here with the dragon Mch could be an everyday hell for you? The type of person that she is, you are not going to get along with her." She nodded. " That means if you stayed with her you will most likely fight and have ugly arguments almost everyday. She is ambitious and dominating; she can make things difficult for you in a variety of ways you have not yet thought about. Under these circumstances, I think, it is rather better for you to move out to a group where you have freedom and peace of mind. In fact, Ndn is getting the tougher part of the deal - she has to stay in this group with Mch!
Why do you think, looking after the babies is your only feat? Its time for you to experiment and prove to yorself as well as the others that you can handle other age groups as well. Take it as a challenge and accept it. We cannot change this situation in any way but this is the only way we can make it work."

I saw light dawning on Stfn's face. I saw Ndn's face reflecting the same hope.
"Its not as bad as you think it is. For all you know, it could be far better for you. Let's hope for the best."

I left them feeling that I had done a good job. I have planted a seed of hope in their minds which will if nothing, at least give them something to think about other then crying and feeling lost and miserable.

On a personal note, I believe Stfn is not being professional. True she created her group and loved the babies but that does not mean that she can stay in that group forever. I believe the management can decide which group to assign to the teachers and we as employees have to abide by it. We cannot say we cannot go or do not want to go. But apart from this lone fact, the management has been at fault again as always.
under the circumstances this was not the best decision. I mean it could have been easier and simpler merely to send Mch to replace Cl, rather than uprooting Stfn from the baby group which is so unsettling for all the babies and their worried parents who trusted her so well; the babies too are all accustomed to Stfn and do not accept any new face right now. They also need someone who can love and care for them and understand them as well, all of which Mch is accused of not doing yet.

I wonder what stuff is Mch made off. She is so haughty and vain. If I had been in her place, I would have felt so guilty for causing so much misery and confusion; not she. She kept flashing her hard emotionless steely smile as if she was actually quite happy; there was not the least trace of sympathy, compassion or even sorry on her face.

 Ndn is sure in a bigger trouble!

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Photograph Day

Today the photographer came to take group and individual pictures.

He was a nice man from Romania and could speak so many languages that he was easily conversing with all the children in their mother tongues be it Italian, Spanish or French apart from German and English. Speaking these languages is my greatest dream..!!!

He set up his white background and tripod in Mz's room and was so friendly with the children that we didn't have any problem at all. I asked him if he would like to have something, maybe coffee or tea. He was very happy and requested for a cup of milk coffee without sugar. When the day was over, I went up to him and gave him a bar of chocolate saying he must be tired too as it is never easy to spend your whole day with children. He was really very happy. Consequently Mz had to move her children to Mk's room. Both the groups together and Mk absent it must have been a really hard day.

At the end of the day we were all looking thoroughly stressed out and totally exhausted. The children were all tired and crazy. My requested me to stay one hour longer as there was also a shortage of teachers.
She keeps telling me that I am very nice. Well!

Today Cl gave me the rough copy of her resignation mail and requested me to make necessary corrections. She didn't want to make any mistakes in this mail as this would be sent out to all the parents of the school. There were several mistakes so I rewrote the letter and gave it to her.
I have just received her resignation email the way I wrote it for her.

Dear Cl, I will miss you so much!

Mch the new teacher in the school

Cl is leaving next week;  Friday 17th will be her last working day. We are going to have her farewell party next week.
 An is leaving too and 28th of February is her last working day and we might celebrate both the farewell parties together.

As yet there is no information about Cl's replacement.
In the school's website there are four new faces to be seen but we don't know who of them will take Cl's place. There are chances that Ndn might come or the new German teacher in their group. In either cases I am doomed.
The new teacher in the school is Mch. She is a young German girl and currently in the baby group. Only about a week has passed and already the whole school is rumors rife that she is...a different person. She is arrogant,  snobbish, vain, abominably concieted, dominating and rather insolent type. When Stfn introduced her to me a week ago, she had looked at me up and down with such an expression as if she found me obnoxious and downright horrible. I admit I was terribly offended by her expressions alone but I had dismissed it from my mind.

Every person who has ever talked to her says the same thing. She keeps telling everyone that she has plenty of experience and she knows what she has to do - much better than any of us over here. Last Saturday the school had a workshop on 'Parent Teacher Handling Expertise'. After the workshop was over, the organizer asked everyone to say something about this workshop. Everybody agreed and appreciated that the workshop was very interesting and informative. She, however, snobbishly said that there was nothing new in this workshop - she knew all this already- she has plenty of experience.

Cl corroborated that Mch looks like a totally fake person. Her expressions appear blatantly artificial. She may smile at you but it doesn't take much effort to know that under that smile there was only disdain and scorn.

I am wondering what would I do if she became my team mate. I can imagine her turning up her nose on every thing I do with children, dictating me what I should or should not do, disagreeing with every move of mine, telling me every minute that she is the boss. That won't do. I am guessing the teachers would be on my side initially but they all have jelly legs and nobody interferes in anybody 's matters. Maybe Mz and My would support me but they cannot be counted. The parents would prefer me if they do not like her enough.
I half think Ndn would be better which is really ironical because I did not want Ndn to come to my group for precisely this very reason - she was dominating and wanted things to be done her way.

Maybe I am just being too rash in thinking. I am reminding myself that Stf is planning to open one more baby section and maybe Mch gets to work in that one instead of landing in my lap.

Oh God, please save me from that Mch..

Tomorrow we have a meeting. Maybe we shall discuss this point.

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Stf's B'day Party

Today was Stf's ( the boss) birthday party.
In the last meeting Mz was discussing what should we gift her for her birthday; jewellery? Cooking book? scarf? Flowers? Plants? Gift voucher?
"I personally think," said I, "that she is very rich; she has everything. Our pecuniary gift of 20/-, 50/- or even 100/- Euros won't really be valuable enough for her to like it, much less, use it. She may appreciate it but I don't think she would really use it."
Everybody heartily agreed with me.
"You are absolutely right." Said Ndn. "Last birthday all the groups had painfully made birthday cards for her, even our little under two year old babies. She pretended she was sooo happy getting such lovely cards. Fifteen minutes after the party, she mercilessly tossed them into the dustbin. I saw them there myself and realized how stupid we had been in making them."
"And the gift vouchers which we gave her on previous occassions, she merely handed them to somebody else, her cleaner for example. I really felt bad then." Said Mz dolefully.

Finally we decided we need not buy anything for her gift since she would never use it on account of its value being below her status. We can get the children make something for her but again we need not work too hard on it because it will only be flung into the dustbin after the party.

My brought a photo album in which she stuck the pictures of each group and the teachers wrote their wishes and this we presented to her today in the party. We all assembled in the hall, sang German and English birthday song for her and ate cakes and goodies. She was nice. She had brought a beautiful bouquet for Cl to tell her that she was indeed sorry she was leaving.

Monday, 6 February 2012

Stf tried to persuade Cl to not to go

Yesterday due to being Friday and a really cold weather with just about -11 degrees there were only six children present in our group; in addition Asy was also absent on account of a bad migraine. So I and Cl stretched our 40 minute morning circle time to nearly one hour and fifteen minutes and half the time we were chatting comfortable because Asy was absent. Asy is very nice but we don't feel intimate enough in front of her for fear of being indiscreet. We have to remember that she is acquainted to Stf the boss through her boyfriend and may carry tales up.

So, Cl told me how Stf has been trying to persuade her to stay using a variety of hideous reasons which shocked and stunned her.

"Stf said that I am being emotional and foolish in resigning from such a good job here just because my boyfriend is shifting to another place.
 "Just consider; he will have a good job and you? You are losing your very good job because of him! Tomorrow he will find for himself another girlfriend and then you would really be very sorry. And which city are you shifting to? Oh, that is the worst city in entire Germany. It is so tiny, it doesn't have any opportunity for you. Maybe you could travel up and down everyday? The town where you are going to is not very far from here, is it?
Yes, it is. It takes about three hours to get there. I said.
"Three hours...Hmmm. You can travel this much if you want to."
No, I can't. It would mean spending my entire day in the train.
"Could you not could stay here and go visit your boyfriend on weekend?"
But I want to be with my boyfriend and spend time with him.
"And how much time do you spend with him right now? You leave him at about 6 in the morning and he comes back at about 7 or 9 at night. Its not really much. I am just trying to tell you that you should think about your own future and not your boy friend's. Should you change your mind you can always give me call any time, even if it is 2 am in the night.
Her reasons nearly broke me down. I know that place is very small; too small to have a big school, leave alone a big international kindergarten where I want to work. I know it would be difficult to get myself another job of my choice. I am trying so hard to stay positive and hoping that all would be well but the way she talked to me I was so shocked and horrified. I am sure she hates my boyfriend."

I felt so bad for dear Cl but I had a different point of view.
"I agree Stf is being so mean and horrendous to you but on the other hand, I think, you should feel flattered that she said all that nasty stuff just to persuade you to change your mind which really signifies that she finds you so valuable and so indispensible. As to jobs, don't worry; you will never have a dearth of jobs. You are a hard working and a dedicated teacher. In fact I suggest that since your English is better than that of the English teachers of this school and you speak and write it as well as your German, I think you can even consider becoming an English teacher."

I rather think she is extremely courageous to take such a deep plunge and still be able to think positive. I would have been down in the dumps for ages. I have thought she had a sacrificing compromising selfless character and this is the glaring example. Ordinarily girls don't dump their career for the sake of their boyfriend's future.

She will probably leave the next week and as yet we don't know - we have not been informed - who will replace her. Probably Ndn, probably someone new, and, I have not the least idea who would be better...!
Honestly speaking I have stopped thinking about this issue. I will meet it as it will come. No other option.