Friday, 17 February 2012

Cl's emotional farewell!

So today was Cl's farewell!
I had woken up early from bed today in order to reach the school earlier just to make sure everything was ready for the party. Last night I had already finished the calendar and in fact made a funny collage with Cl's Halloween picture as well as with mine and Asy's and the children as well.

When I went in we hugged each other with glistening eyes. I took her to the corner of the kitchen and gave her the tiny jewelry box. She gasped when she beheld the glittering heart shaped pink stones.
"Oh, my God! Oh my God! This is so beautiful! Oh my God!"
"Just to make sure you think of me every time you look at them."

There was the usual congregation of children in the hall with the tables laid out with candles and other goodies. I handed my mobile to Mks to record the whole thing. The party began by singing the German farewell song 'Einfach spitze das du da bist...' and then gifts started pouring in.
Mz presented a card made by her children. Then Knshk handed her a big gift box. She opened it and pulled out the school cap and socks and the large bear but it didn't occur to her that it was not the real gift. Then I gave her the real gift- the vase with the messages written on it and stuffed with three cute little bears with satin ribbon around their necks. She was soo happy. Then Jr, her favorite student handed her the second gift - the calender with her lovely photos. Then Jr's mother who was standing close by gave a big bouquet of blue tulips. Then My's group presented her an album which held sad pictures of children to convey they were sad she was leaving.
Cl was opening the pages of the album when out from the blue Mz stormed forward and demanded in neither very polite tones nor polite enough expressions:
"Sorry, ** and Cl, you must close the album now. We have to finish the party as the music teacher has to start her music lesson in half an hour's time. Please you must close it just now."
There was a deep silence for a minute while everybody tried to figure out what she had said.
"Oh yes, yes, of course." Cl and I both nodded and we put away the gifts and started handing out the cakes and juice. The children were ordered to eat rather quickly and we finished off.

I couldn't help smiling to myself in secret amusement. Mz's face was a picture to look at! She was so angry and upset.
"Mz, you are looking upset. Is anything wrong?" I asked.
"No, nothing is wrong." She said with blazing eyes.
"You look upset."
"No. I am not upset." She replied flatly, meaning she was.
Of course she was plainly jealous. She couldn't stand the fact that Cl was receiving so many gifts on her farewell while she - Mz- didn't get half so many on her birthday. She is a very passionate woman and has no control over her emotions, expressions and reactions.

Much to her chagrin there was no sign of the music teacher for whom allegedly she had terminated the gift opening ritual so early. The music teacher at last showed up nearly two hours later. As she entered the main door she announced she wanted to meet Cl as she had a farewell gift for her. Bad timing! Mz was standing just behind the door. I nearly died with laughter in my stomach.

Back in our own classroom we had a little unique morning circle for the last time; the usual weather and season discussion for the last time. Neither of us could take it off our minds that it was the last time. I requested her to sing "Bin ich aufgewacht...' as this song is my favorite one and half way through we both broke down....
I got up to get a tissue for myself and just at that time Stf entered the room. She saw me crying and held me close to her chest for a long time. I was amazed to see that she was shivering and had tears in her eyes too.
Then she hugged Cl. She had brought roses for her.
"Let all of us go to where you are shifting. You too ** and your husband and then we will be together."
She had viral fever and come specifically to meet Cl the last time. I shall always appreciate her for this.

We served lunch to the children and then took them to sleep. The real time to say final good bye was one hour later. I had promised myself that I won't cry anymore. We should make a happy farewell.
"Let's not cry anymore. We have cried enough in the past two weeks." said I. "Let's be positive. You are going to have a new future now and I know it will be bright and full of success."
"Yes, the same for you." She agreed and we hugged each other one last time and before another second could pass we both had started crying yet once again.
"I might never see you again in life." I said.
"Maybe I meet you in India. Maybe I come to work in your school.."

I have never taken had such a tearful farewell from anyone before. Well, yes, I have. I had cried a lot when Mnj was leaving my branch to take over another as its principal. We were close friends and colleagues. We continued in touch until I got married and since then I have never seen her.

Cl has received not only a farewell fairly befitting her worth but also the best this school has ever given to any of its employees. She was undoubtedly the best teacher and the most loved one. But apart from that she was also one of the best person's I have ever known in my life and the best colleague I ever had or am ever likely to have. I shall always remember her...

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