Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Finally Cl is back

I had to absent myself from school yesterday as my hausmeister was coming and it was important that I was at home. They didn't come however and I spent my leave just relaxing. I was wondering what was happening at school with both me and Cl missing.
Today when I went in I was so happy to see Cl back. We hugged each other fondly. We had soooo much to talk about, so much to tell each other. We spent almost the entire morning circle time just catching up the old threads.

There really was a lot.

I was told yesterday had been a terrible day. Jn and jr kept screaming and howling nonstop which gave headache to all the teachers. Nothing could make them stop. All the other children in the group behaved terrible - they have a certain sense mechanism which tells them their teacher is new, so she would not understand their deliberate mischief. Ll took out her diapers and threw them off, Jn took out his diaper and peed in his pants. All this was still nothing as compared to what the new child and his mama did.

The new child Ls didn't listen to anybody, kept playing with all the toys in the class, emptied all the toy boxes upside down, carried most of them to the lunch table and refused to part with them. When Mcl and Asy objected, his mother protested that they let him play the way he wants. When Asy requested her to go out and let Ls remain in class without her, she calmly told her that she will talk about the separation with me when I come.
Further more she started asking Asy many personal questions. How old is she, What's her nationality?, Is she married?, Does she have children?, Which country her boy friend is from? Is she qualified? Which school did she obtain her teaching degree from? Oh my God!
She just wasn't leaving her child alone and nor letting the teachers do anything with him and she clearly disapproved of them, distrusted them and made it clear she won't listen to them.

Asy told us she even made bad faces at weeping Jr and Jn and commented that their cries were giving her headaches.
 In fact Msf told me that yesterday she had personally requested him to ring her to inform her if I was present as she didn't want to bring her child without me in the class.

 Then I told Cl all that had happened during her absence.
Stf is planning to get in more children in our group and a new full time German teacher in our group as well. This piece of news acted like a thunderbolt for her. "Why? Is she planning to replace me?" She cried.
She became very worried and a bit quiet after this and continued to look troubled the rest of the day. I was so sorry for her.

I hope we stay together and nobody comes between us; a helper is okay but somehow the idea of having a teacher between me and Cl somehow makes both of us doubtful and apprehensive. We both feel certain we would lose the comfortable absolute sovereignty over our group.

What an idea! The thought of feeling sovereign over just a handful of 12/13 children between two teachers is something that would have never occurred to me a few years ago when I handled nearly 50 children alone...!

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