Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Ls and his mother

So today Ls came with his mama after she had confirmed that indeed I was present in the school.

I greeted her cordially and asked her if she was fine.
"I am fine now that you are here. That day without you was terrible!" She told me. "Ls was crying and screaming and the teachers on duty ( Mcl and Asy) couldn't make him comfortable. They also spoke German all the time which made him feel lost. He couldn't understand anything and didn't follow anything and probably missed you because he kept asking for you. I remember you had adjusted him so well and he too had responded to you so nicely that he really wanted to come to the kindergarten everyday. But that day, he didn't see you and consequently had a bad experience. Now he doesn't want to come here at all..."

It was decidedly flattering to hear this. It could be a bit untrue because her own exacting and mistrusting nature and interference in teacher's methods yielded an overall bad experience for all parties concerned. I have spent four days with her but I am surprised that she hasn't asked me or Cl any objectionable or even general personal question like whether we have a child, whereas she asked so many from Asy and not on one occasion but on two separate occasions. She just doesn't trust Asy and the only reason I can think of is maybe because Asy has a different look and persona and with her thick black shadowed eyes looks super stunning ; maybe this made her doubt her ability or even qualification?

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