Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Wondering what's happening in school...

A lot must be happening up there at school. I am still at home recovering from my recent ordeal and becoming torn between the two spheres of mine, the one in school and the other one at home. Like any greedy person I want to have both.

A quick look at the school's website reveals to me that Stfn has also quit the kindergarten now - without receiving a farewell and without completing her notice period according to which she had to stay till the end of May; can Nn's episode have something to do with this? She has been already replaced by a Greek M.Ed teacher Prm. That means the girl who was friend of Stf and Athn's mother and was promising to help Stf out by replacing Stfn won't come anymore. Its funny because her introduction along with her snap had been flashing publicly since long on the school's website before finally disappearing without having materialized.

So much will have changed in just a span of two and half weeks! Eighteenth of May was supposed to be the last day for Jrn. I will never see him now...! Ksh of my group had to pass on to Mks' group. I had myself scheduled his farewell party for last week. Today would also be Onm's birthday and farewell party. He won't come to this school anymore from tomorrow. Tomorrow will also be Asy's birthday party in school....I wonder if Asy has resumed going to the school or not. I hope her health is better now.

I wonder how my group has been faring without any of it's three teachers present or with only one teacher and that too just brand new who probably does not know how to function yet in a German kindergarten. I did request Ndn to inform my group's parents about my predicament but I am not sure if she did; I don't trust her somehow despite having any concrete base for suspicion. I am sure the parents are largely pissed off and bone weary of a crashed and crippled system and teachers who go-a missing so often whatever their reasons may be.

While here at home everything is topsy turvy too. H feels bored at home. We are trying hard to arrange S' sister/brother in law's visit to us but Visa issue has been muddled and we don't know if they will be able to make it. Meantime, we are also trying to get ready for our transfer. We have already given termination notice to our phone/internet connection and house rental contract and have begun hunting for a house, a new school for H and a new kindergarten job for myself in the new city. To tell the truth, I am least hopeful...

God knows what will happen and where all this will take us.....

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