Tuesday, 1 March 2011

New trouble with Sv

The next day when almost half the day was gone we suddenly saw a two and half inch big roundish red and slightly swollen mark on his left cheek. It was surprising because the bruise proclaimed that Sv must have got hurt badly but despite being under our noses the whole time none of us had seen him fall down or get hit by something or somebody. Nobody even heard him cry which is very easy as he easily cries on slightest of things.

We questioned the entire staff but no one had any clue how this bruise came about We had even been to the play ground but there too nothing had happened. I had myself seen him playing with a little truck and I was more than 100 % sure that he didn't get hurt because if he had his cries would have brought the whole school down.

I asked him several times but he didn't say anything except repeating what I was saying. Then I asked him in Hindi and his answer stunned me. He said his father had hit him.
Wanting to ascertain I asked again and he said this time that his mother had hit him. And after a little while he told me that once his mother was cutting his hair with scissors and his cheek got hurt with the scissors.
Although dismissing this last answer because his hair didn't look like cut recently, I could safely say that a such a small child could not make up an excuse like this which means that too is a reality which happened some other time in the past.

Cl was so afraid that his mother would create trouble on seeing this big bruise and fight with her. She still couldn't believe that she could have hit him; she was sure because the mark was not there in the morning when he had been dropped but then so many bruises don't show up immediately. He could have been hit in the morning just before coming to school.
Whatever, I was confident that he had been hit at home by his parents.And I was right.

When the mother came to pick him up she didn't remark at the bruise at all though it was so glaringly visible.
Next morning when she came to drop him, Mk who knows the whole story asked her why Sv had that bruise. She bent down and asked Sv in Hindi and then translated his answer to Mk saying he had fallen down from the swing in the play ground.

This answer can never never be correct. We have only 3 swings in the playground and we all know that Sv never goes in any of them so there is no question of his falling from them. In any case we were present there at the time of the play and we know that he had not fallen anywhere at all, swing or no swing. And besides, why didn't she see this bruise yesterday at the pick up time and question us then and there? Why didn't Sv give me the same answer when I asked him in his mother tongue? And biggest of all, when Mk asked her today, why did she have to do the acting of asking him there as if she herself didn't know? Is she so bad a mother that she didn't notice this big bruise since yesterday's evening to the dropping time today morning?

Sv is not a problem; his parents are.

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