Monday, 21 March 2011

As...a swindler...?

Today I was talking to Mk and I made a stunning discovery.
I merely asked him if he believed that As has resigned due to illness and he said,

"Well, I will tell you something which the others over here do not know. As has been fired because she was stealing money from the kindergarten. Once she came up to us one morning and told us that someone had broken into the school building and stole a lot of money..several thousand Euros. We all believed her but that was not the truth. Actually she had stolen it and staged it that way to appear like a loot - of course we came to know about it only now!

Then there were several other instances when money came into the school office and disappeared without records anywhere.She often used to accept money in cash and pocketed it straight away letting it appear that so and so thing had not been paid at all.

There were several times when during our regular team meetings she insisted that somehow someone or some people were entering the school premises after closing up and were stealing things from the school; she said she suspected this because she found several things missing without reason from the school.
The last time was just a few days ago, I happened to enter the office and bumped into St and My talking together about 50,000 Euros being stolen from the school."

I just stared at him blankly for several seconds before fully realizing the import of his words. Quite a lot of things appeared to fit in their place like a jig saw puzzle after hearing this. I remember very well the meetings when she said she suspected someone is coming through an open window which we forgot to close, and stealing articles of value and we all racked our brains to figure out why would anyone want to break into a school building and risk a great deal only for the sake of a few damn toys..! And then her telling us how she paid huge huge sums of money for works that did not appear to demand such huge payments, for example 15,000 Euros for a repairing a damaged children's kitchen ( dummy kitchen ) and 5,000 Euros for getting rid of Rats in the cellar, and small children's books worth 300-500 Euros each and her constantly whining that there is no money in the kindergarten.

It appears that she swindled money cleverly without getting it entered and maybe by accepting handsome commissions in services like pest control or furniture repair.

Whatever, but stealing 50,000 Euros in one go is a lot of money. I wonder why the school didn't go to police. Why she was still let off under a comfortably respectable excuse going so far as to allow her 2 months notice period as well as announcing to all the parents that she is retiring due to severe health problems.
It sounds to me like there is a lot of illegal work maybe like tax evasion, money laundering or something else happening in this kindergarten and As, being the manager, worked in it hand in hand so now they are afraid of being hard to her just in case she starts talking.

"I never trusted that woman;" Mk said. " She always appeared inscrutable like she cannot be read. She was always saying things which we knew were wrong or just could not be right but she insisted she was right. I am glad she has gone. She was just not fit for any kindergarten - she hated children, parents, teachers just everyone....She was following so many wrong policies which was bad for the school."

I am shocked. I still cannot believe she was stealing money from the kindergarten...!!!

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