Thursday, 21 July 2011

A bunch of good news

Today was definitely a rare day...full of nice news all day long...
First off, Nd is not coming in our group between Cl and me. Cl and I, both were a good deal nervous and apprehensive that barging in of any third person could bring in discord and disharmony and we may not be able to give our best to the children. A great sigh of relief...!!!

An was to leave in August but now she has been asked to stay for September as well - moreover, she is now being requested to actually stay. She has applied for a university programm and is awaiting selection. If she is selected she will leave as planned before but in case she isn't than she will remain here.
St threw several kisses to An in the meeting and implored her to stay and we all were left wondering in our hearts at the wisdom of firing a good, old and qualified teacher for no reason and then begging her to stay as they had simply been unable to replace her.
I had a talk with An in the train and was so happy for her.
"I wasn't all that cool and positive which everybody thought I was." She said." I was actually very depressed and on tenterhooks as I was so unexpectedly thrown out and still haven't been able to obtain a new job for myself. Its a miracle that they themselves are asking me to stay back."
Tk's idiocies...!!!

H will go to Mk's group finally. I was fed up with My and Mks's unprofessional, unskilled teaching which only wasted H's time in school. They were not teaching anything. I talked to St and asked if H could go to Mk's class and she delightfully, readily agreed.
My asked me why did I want H to go from her class and I replied tactfully yet truthfully that H has a tendency to emulate and learn from bigger children but he somewhat dislikes and disregards smaller children, so it was better that he went to Mk's group along with the whole of his class.

Mks later asked me what was the real reason behind wanting H to leave this group.
"Well, the real reason is I want H to learn. He has passed a year in this group and has already learnt what this group had to teach him. If he stayed here for another year it would be just a wastage of time for both of us. You see, we might have to go to India any time. If at this stage he were to obtain an admission in a good Indian school he needs to know a lot to be able to pass the entrance."
"Ya, you are right. I have noticed H is very intelligent and knows a lot. He speaks a lot and shows plenty of knowledge. He is the smallest in our group but he is way above all the other kids in the group. You are absolutely right in saying that if had to spend his time with smaller children he would be wasting his time. But...but, I was thinking, he needs a strong man to handle him. Mk is a fantastic teacher but...Jn ? He is, not that, you know what I mean? He is too soft and woman like. He cannot handle him the way H needs.."
"We'll see. There's nothing else that we can do now."

Today we had our routine meeting and discussed how to organize the summer festival tomorrow. I was so glad Mz was absent. She is increasingly becoming more and more unbearable everyday. While talking to parents she puts on such a visibly false expression of love, care and authority that I feel I cannot stand her anymore. Day before yesterday we both were in the kitchen serving food to the children when I by mistake picked up a dish that was meant for her group. At that she said,
"Don't do this otherwise I will secretly serve cow and pig meat to H and you wont even know it."
I was too stunned to say anything and since 2 days still badly smarting. She is a Muslim and as such knows how bad it is to say a thing like this. How did she dare to say it? She is just a bitch and I am waiting for the day she will crash out of this school in tears..

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