Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Mk's Honest Answer

I learnt that Mk had been offered the post of manager to replace My and Mz but he declined immediately.

"But why did you reject? I think you would have been a good manager." I told him.
"I have three reasons for rejecting the offer." He answered with a sublime smile. "First, I am not a leader type of person. I do not have leadership qualities, not even managerial ones. I cannot order others to do this and that. In situations of crisis, like we are having right now, I can not decide. I agree, I am a very good follower. You tell me something to do, and I will do it more nicely than you expected, but that's it. I am a very good number two person but I am decidedly not a number one person.

The second reason is this kindergarten itself. We all know how this kindergarten is lead and managed. I don't like it. I would hate to be a manager of such an institution which doesn't follow fair and just rules. For all I know, today she will make the manager and tomorrow throw me out on any false pretext.

The third reason is my personal one. Ndn is girlfriend, as you know. If I became the manager, it would be awkward to give orders to her as my junior and consequently it would strain my relationship with her.
That's it."

I admit I was not surprised to learn that he had been offered manager post now. It was high time he was! He is good, qualified, trained and well meaning. I am surprised by the honest of his reasons. There are very few people who would admit their weakness even to themselves let alone with others. For instance, when My and Mz were offered this post, they accepted it without thinking that they were not 'manager material' and didn't have even the basic skills required to do this job. End result? They messed up everything, at least with children, staff, parents and school reputation.

I hugely admire Mk for being this brutally honest with himself; he has risen manifolds in my opinion of him which needless to say again was already quite high.
 But there is something that he is missing out. He is underrating himself and that is his current fault right now and not the absence of leadership in him. Leadership ( or no leadership) of course makes a huge difference but in the current scenario, more than a leader, a person is needed who is popular, well liked and one with good intentions amongst the staff and parents. I am hundred percent sure he is capable of doing this and will be able to do it. As he says he is a good second man, we can make him do it if he thinks he doing his bidding and not really leading.

I will talk to him about this when the school.

I myself, would have loved to do this job but first off, I won't be offered as only Germans can be given this post and even if this rule could be relaxed, my stay in Germany is indefinite....

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