Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Preparation for Mz and My's farewell

Tomorrow Mz and My have their farewell! 

Originally, I had planned to abscond from school that day. I would hate myself to return their smiles and hugs and tell them that I was sorry when I was not. When they had informed me about their farewell date, Mz and My had both hinted to me that they wanted nice presents from the school just like Cl.

I wanted to confirm if we needed to make a gift for their farewell because I didn't want to make one.
I asked Mk and he replied that he didn't want either but just for courtesy's sake he will prepare a card made by children only for My "because she was my group's teacher last year. For Mz, I will make nothing. She was horrible."

Stfn was also ready to make a card colored by children even though she didn't want either.

I asked Mk and his reply was one I shall remember all my life.
"A gift for those traitors? I am not a fool. They both were horrible. I am glad that they are gone. They are not fit to serve in any school. Ask me what gift I want to give them. I shall pack my poop in a nice packet and give them with the note written on top, "Look, this is what I think about you and this is what you deserve."

We laughed till we ripped our sides. His reply is not just funny but brutally truthful. 

I told him that I had originally planned to be absent tomorrow just to avoid confronting them again. He laughed again.
"You are not the only one who thought this. I,Jrn, Mcl and Mk all planned they won't come but they are coming. At least I am coming. And Gbt will come late, after the party is over."
"Gbt too?"
"Yes. Because they are both so insolent and insulting towards her. She cannot stand their sarcasm and acidic comments. Lat time when they were here they made it hell for her."

Honestly, now I think so too, that it would be an unusual farewell and worth watching. Let's see what happens tomorrow. It is also possible that they don't show up after all...!

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